Nanjing Public Transportation: GT867 Excellent Value For Money

Nanjing Public Transport Argos Bus Company operates 500 buses which run through the main city of Nanjing and the major tourist attraction areas. Within a year of using GT867, we experienced the excellent value and performance from GT867. Recently, GT867 is widely used on most of the Nanjing Argos Buses.

Nanjing Public Transportation: GT867 Excellent Value For Money

According to Nanjing Argos Bus mechanical department manager, Mr Tang, Nanjing Argos Bus has close to 500 buses, operates in Nanjing and tourist route.

“In April, 2010, our company began a trial of GT867 on 2 of our buses. After spending a year of using GT867, we found out only 0.8mm of tread pattern worn out and there were no uneven wear. Compared with the 2 tyre brand that we used previously, GT867 is great and value for money.”

“With GT867 excellent performance, we are more confident with Giti products. Since October 2011, we have started to put GT867 on most of our Argos buses.”

Nanjing Public Transportation: GT867 Excellent Value For Money

Bus driver, Mr Chou said “Previously my bus was fitted with another tyre brand. After we used GT867, I feel that the tyres are stronger compared with previous one. Although my bus often rubs up against the roadside, but GT867 never had problems such as tyre sidewall bruises or tyre puncture. Moreover, the handling performance is good. We frequently stop and go, GT867 can adapt fast and provides smooth handling.”

“Overall,GT867 is excellent.”